Effective filtration of the air you breathe

Before your total laryngectomy, your nose would filter the air you breathe, helping prevent the inhalation of airborne particles. Now that you breathe through your neck stoma, you are less protected against viruses, bacteria, pollen, and dust.

Woman with a necj stoma using Provox HME while exercising yoga outdoors.

For your protection

Clinical evidence shows that people who have undergone a total laryngectomy experience significant challenges including an increase in mucus production and coughing.

By wearing a Provox Life HME with a combination of high humidification properties and low breathing resistance you can improve your lung health thereby reducing coughing and mucus production. However, you will encounter situations where you may need extra protection to avoid inhaling airborne particles, especially when in crowded places or during the flu and pollen seasons.

Meet Peter

Peter is a 72-year-old grandfather and great grandfather from south Sweden who underwent a total laryngectomy in 2014. His favorite pastime is riding motorcycles.

“When using the Provox Life products I experience fewer problems with mucus and coughing than before.”

Meet Peter

An HME for extra protection

Provox Life Protect HME is for users who would like extra protection in certain situations. For example, when you are away from home, in crowded places where germs and dust are in the air, it is important to protect your airways. *

Protect HME combines an HME with an effective two-way filtering mechanism (HMEF) that filters airborne particles and pathogens. Thus, protecting you when you inhale and those around you when you exhale.

Protect HME is designed to filter out airborne particles

Provox Life Protect HME offers:

  • 21% higher breathability when compared to its predecessor Provox Micron**
  • Filtration efficiency of more than 98%*

Meet Joakim

Protect HME feels good. I use it the most, always at work and when I am shopping. Sometimes I wear it at home and in the garden if it is dusty or muddy, and when I am out and about.

Meet Joakim and hear about his experience with Provox Life

Explore the Provox Life range of HMEs

The Provox Life system includes five new high performance HMEs specialized for situational use. Protect HME allows you to do more of what you love. Whether it is traveling, gardening, dining at a restaurant with friends or visiting crowded places, Protect HME offers extra protection in any situation.

*Please note: Since pathogens can enter and leave the human body in other ways (such as the mouth, nose, and eyes), Provox Life Protect HME can never guarantee complete protection. Please read the instructions for use for guidance. Please note that the Provox Life Protect HME filtration capacity may vary depending on the size, shape, and speed of airborne particles
**According to device specifications

Please note:
The testimonials relate to how one individual has experienced the use of Provox Life products and not every person will get the same results. Atos Medical AB does not suggest, imply, or make any claims other than those detailed in the product manual.
Please read the Instructions for Use for guidance.
Always contact your clinician before trying a new product to make sure the product is right for you.

Retel VP, van den Boer C, Steuten LM, Okla S, Hilgers FJ, van den Brekel MW. Cost-effectiveness of heat and moisture exchangers compared to usual care for pulmonary rehabilitation after total laryngectomy in Poland. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015;272(9):2381-8.

Lorenz KJ. Pulmonary Rehabilitation after Laryngectomy. 1st edition – Bremen: UNI-MED Verlag AG; 2013 (UNI-MED SCIENCE). 86 p.

Hilgers FJ, Ackerstaff AH, Aaronson NK, Schouwenburg PF, Van Zandwijk N. Physical and psychosocial consequences of total laryngectomy. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci. 1990;15(5):421-5.


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